Weather Note - Video Project
“Weather Note” is a short story that focusses on the complexities of getting
out the door. A solution is created that simplifies this process.

equipment and software used
The film was shot on an Olympus OM-D E-M10 II camera with a 12mm lens on a tripod.
It was edited in Premiere Pro. The audio track was available via Commons license and edited down to 2 minutes in Audition.
Script: “Weather Note”
OPENING SCENE 1: Int. Apartment entryway and Kitchen
Film begins with black screen and this caption: “Our daily rituals became more complicated in 2020.”
This fades to black and is replaced with this caption: “Mundane moments like stepping out the door turned stressful”
This caption then fades as we see inside the apartment, the camera view scans, resting on a stack of cloth masks and box of gloves on a shelf by the front door. Camera rests on Caleb is lying on the kitchen floor. CALEB pops up from between his paws. The camera pulls back so we can see EMILY and CALEB in full. We watch as she puts on CALEB’S harness and leash. Then she sits down to put on her shoes. Emily then stands and goes to the closet to get her coat which she puts on. EMILY picks up her keys from the drawer by the front door. The camera moves back to the counter and we see a mask, before following EMILY as she turns and picks up CALEB’s leash and opens the door and they step out into the hallway.
We watch EMILY go down the short flight of stairs. From the top of the stairs, we can see her as she turns the corner and the camera zooms so we can see she is not wearing a mask. EMILY and CALEB are out of view as they round the next set of stairs. The camera is still at the top of the stairs. In a moment we see EMILY come back up the stairs with CALEB passing in front of the camera. We see EMILY unlocking the the apartment door. From inide the apartment we see her hand reach in to grab the mask off the counter.
In the hallway outside the door we see her put on the mask. We see EMILY and CALEB go back down the stairs.
A caption appears across the shot: “What if there was a way to make this simpler?”
We see outside the apartment building that it is snowing. In a moment we see EMILY and CALEB come back up the stairs. The front of EMILY’s coat is wet. She goes in the door. We see CALEB outside the open door on the landing. In a moment we see EMILY with her umbrella in her hand. We see EMILY and CALEB go down the stairs. We see EMILY and CALEB outside walk past the building.
We see a close up of the bedroom window and corner of ANNE’s workbench. EMILY walks in and starts a conversation with ANNE who is working at the workbench. EMILY describes her frustrations. We see closeups of ANNE drawing and then see the drawing of the device. Then we see ANNE soldering at the workbench. Finally, we see ANNE cleaning the finished Weather Note device on the workbench.
SCENE 4: INT. Apartment entryway and Kitchen
We CALEB by the front door. Then we see the WeatherNote device on the counter. The weather, temperature are displayed along with a flashing reminder not to forget keys and mask. We then see EMILY putting on her shoes and CALEB is interacting with her. As EMILY stands up, she turns and sees the Weather Note and she reacts happily pointing at it. CALEB looks up at it and wags his tail.
The camera pulls back and we watch EMILY get CALEB dressed. She then looks over to the WeatherNote and adds a scarf and gloves. The camera cuts back to the WeatherNote that is flashing “mask & Keys.” EMILY picks up her mask and puts it on. EMILY and CALEB walk out the door. We see them walk down the stairs and out the apartment building. It is snowing. We see EMILY opening her umbrella. We then see EMILY and CALEB walk down the block. The scene dims and we see the WeatherNote on the counter.
The scene fades to black and the following captions is displayed:
“It’s 2021, be prepared for anything”
This dips to black and is replaced with this caption:
“Weather Note”
FADE to black and roll credits.
This has been an interesting and challenging project. The constraints of working with pandemic limitations shaped the way this film was created from equipment to actors, props and sets. Working without a team made it possible to control the film from concept to final edit. It did make it challenging as well, especially in filming the section where I was also an actor.
More on the Weather Note.